Luther Seal

Trinity Lutheran Church Runnemede

"To Know Christ and To Make Him Known"

Worship Services

8:30 AM Service

This service follows the more traditional liturgical form of worship familiar to Lutherans as well as those from other liturgical churches. The music at this service is somewhat blended. We sing many ‘old time favorites’ with some of the more contemporary praise hymns mixed in the service. Our Adult Choir sings an anthem weekly from September to June. On the third Sunday of each month our Junior Bell Choir plays an anthem and the Junior Choir sings. On the fourth Sunday of the month our Adult Bell Choir offers an anthem. During the summer months a variety of soloists, duets, etc. enhance this service with their gifts for music. Congregational singing is accompanied with music from our organ. The Lord’s Supper (The Sacrament of Holy Communion) is observed at this services on the first and third Sunday’s of the month in addition to certain ‘holy’ days of the church.  The Sacrament of Holy Baptism occurs normally on the second Sunday of the month during the worship service.

10:00 AM Service

This is a simpler more contemporary form of service. The music at this service is blended with a mixture of ‘old time favorites’ and some of the more contemporary praise hymns. Congregational singing is accompanied with music from our organ. Once a month our Praise Band enhances our worship with their gift for music. On the third Sunday of each month our Junior Bell Choir plays an anthem and our Junior Choir sings. Also on the third Sunday of the month the children from our Sunday school attend the opening portion of this service and return to their classes after the children’s sermon. On the forth Sunday of the month our Adult Bell Choir offers an anthem. On the remaining Sundays of each month, soloists and duets provide us with special music. The Lord’s Supper (The Sacrament of Holy Communion) is observed weekly at this service except for the one Sunday in December at which our Sunday school presents their Christmas program. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism occurs normally on the second Sunday of the month during the worship service.

Sunday School and Nursery Care

Sunday School is available at 10:00 AM for ages 3 through high school
Nursery Care is available for both the 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM services


Since the pandemic, communion has changed slightly. You may come to the rail, receive the wafer and go to either side to receive an individual cup then return to your pew for the remainder of the service. The main difference is that we will not be using intinction (dipping the wafer into the chalice) for the foreseeable future.

Online Video Worship Service

Now that we have returned to two services on Sunday, the online worship videos will be produced on a monthly basis and for special occasions.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday mornings. Remember, visitors are always expected!

Stained glass windows depicting Jesus holding a lamb, The Good Sheppard.

"For wherever two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20